"Every successful revolution puts on in time the robe of the tyrant it has deposed."
Barbara Tuchman

Fidel Castro:
Proof that inside every rebel is a tyrant waiting to come forth.

The last (hopefully) of the old-style caudillos (traditional "bosses") of Latin America.

P.S. You know you are in trouble when the leader of your country wears a uniform!

"La tasa de crecimiento que se da como una bellísima para toda América, es 2,5% de crecimiento neto... Nosotros hablamos de 10% de desarrollo sin miedo alguno, 10% de desarrola es la tasa que prevé Cuba para los años venideros... ¿Qué piensa tener Cuba en el año 1980? Pues un ingreso neto para cápita de unos tres mil dólares. Más que Estados Unidos.

"Nosotros afirmamos que en tiempo relativamente corto el desarrollo de la conciencia hace más por el desarrollo de la producción general del desarrollo de la sociedad para entrar al comunismo, lo que presupone que el trabajo deje de ser una penosa necesidad para convertirse en un agradable imperativo."

Ernesto "Che" Guevara
ex-guerrillero argentino-cubano
La Habana, 1961, 1964, y 1965

...or, back to the future!

Hurrah for revolution and more cannon-shot!
A beggar upon horseback lashes a beggar on foot,
Hurrah for revolution and cannon come again!
The beggars have changed places but the lash goes on.
William Butler Yeats

Some discussions....

"Dear Sir: Can you answer some questions about Fidel Castro..."
Everyone is just waiting for the viejo to die!

"...ignorant northamerican yankee full of your narrowed culture!"
"All your leaders have been wearing uniforms...!"

"I saw yuour homepage about Fidel Castro and i was very amused..."
"You are an American... You do not use your brains.You do not read books."

"It is because the US has had Cuba economically blockaded for more than 30 years."

"Latin America and the United States: El Centro y Periferia."
"I mean, as a Latin American, I was feeling like jumping off my seat, almost a bit infuriated."